Ice Fishing in Northern Wisconsin
Ice Fishing for over 50 Years
Retail Store:   800-835-2803

  Wholesale:  715-934-2248
         Office:  715-934-2921
Hayward Bait & Botttle Shoppe carries everything you need for your winter ice fishing adventure.  Ice Shacks, Heaters, Electronics, Underwater Camera's, Hand and Power Augers, Extreme Weather Clothing, Tip-ups, & Jig Poles. 

We Carry All Types of Live Bait!

Visit Our Online Store for Closeouts and Deals.

New Products are Continually Added
Shop Online for Ice Fishing Equipment
Products Being Carried in our Online Store for Ice Fishing:

Power Ice Augers
Ion Electric Power Ice Auger
Eskimo Mako Gas Power Ice Auger
Eskimo Shark Gas Power Ice Auger
Eskimo Stingray Gas Power Ice Auger
Polar Fire
Polar Fire Pro XT Gas Power Ice Auger
Polar Fire Sabre 4 Stroke Gas Power Ice Auger
Strikemaster Honda Lite Gas Power Ice Auger
Strikemaster Lazer Mag Gas Power Ice Auger
Strikemaster Lazer Pro Gas Power Ice Auger
Jiffy Pro 4 STX Propane Power Ice Auger
Jiffy Pro 4 Lite STX Propane Power Ice Auger
Hummingbird Ice 35
Hummingbird Ice 55
Vexilar FL-8
Vexilar FL-12 Pro Pack
Vexilar FL-18 Tri-Beam Pro Pack
Vexilar FL-20 Ultra Pack
Vexilar FL-28 Propack II

Ice Shelters and Shacks, Hub and Sled Style:

Hub Style:
Clam Command Post Pop-up Hub Style Ice Shelter
Clam Tamarack Pop-up Hub Style Ice Shelter
Eskimo Quickfish 3I 3 Person Insulated Portable Pop-Up
Ice Shelter
Eskimo Fatfish 949 4 Person Wide Bottom Portable
Pop-Up Ice Shelter
Eskimo Fatfish 949I Insulated 4 Person Wide Bottom
Portable Pop-Up Ice Shelter
Sled Style:
Clam X2 Thermal Ice Shelter
Eskimo Wide1 Insulated, Flip Style 1 Person
Extra Wide Portable Pop-Up Ice Shelter
Otter Wild Lodge T600 Ice Shelter
Otter Wild Cabin T600 Ice Shelter
Otter XT1200 Pro Lodge 3 Person Ice Shelter

Ice Fishing
